Trail Race

Noone in front of meNoone behind me.Where did everyone go? No matter,there’s good company here.This breeze,these trees,those birds I can hearbut not see. There is more herethat I cannot see.It holds me uprightwhen my foot catches on a rootand waves in colorful greetingfrom ferns and flowers,maples and oaks. I am running slow enoughthat a mosquito catches upand feasts at my left ankle.I am running fast enoughthat my mundane thoughts are left behind.I am alone with this forest abundance,drenched in holy space and time. Palms up,I offer gratitudeand good tidings. Bless this earththat absorbs my footfall.Bless this earththat nourishes my spiritand holds my dreams,kindles creativityand possibility.Bless this earththat grieves and struggles.Bless this earththat bears the weightof human indifference and greed,teetering at the edgeof sustainability.Bless this earththat feeds my body.Bless this earththat soothes my heartand ignites my imagination,both of us cycling endlessly throughbirth, death and rebirth. Palms up,I offer gratitudeand good tidings. A crowd of people cheers ahead.My body is relieved,my heart is full.Palms up,I offer gratitudeand good tidingsas I cross the finish line.


Roots and Rocks


Gratitude and Responsibility