Searching for Wholeness

I am searching for wholeness

amid the shards of broken lives

and broken promises.


I am seeking healing

in a world that is ill

with greed, disconnect and fear.


I am longing for grace

that will fill the fissures and chasms

carved by racism.


I am searching for wholeness

in the hollow center of the american dream.


I am seeking wholeness

As I run down the trail behind my son,

struggling to catch my breath,

painfully aware of the irony and

the privilege that I, a white woman, carry.


I am longing for union that 

honors our histories

and also, finally,

dissolves me and you and them

and leaves Us.


Then, let us learn to love ourselves more fully.

All of us.


I am looking to the young oaks,

now full of bright green leaves.

while a few of last season’s

ragged ones hold on still.


I am finding wholeness,

remembering it is born in each of us,

in the healing voices and actions

we offer the world.


I am nurturing health,

connection and right relationship

in my own life. 

I am optimistic that

my small contributions

join others in a growing swell.


I am finding wholeness

in the clarity of my intention

and in knowing I am not alone.

Won’t you join me?

This is the work of a lifetime.




All and Everything